Instrumental Labs
RCP is well equipped with sophisticated instruments include HPLC binary system (Analytica), UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Schimadzu, 1800), Brook-field viscometer (Brook-field), Ph Meter (Mettler Toledo), Analytical Balance (Mettler Toledo), Bath sonicator (), Flame Photometer, Conductivity Meter, Horizontal laminar benches, Centrifuge (Remi), Distillation unit, Hot air oven, Refractometer Convulsiometer, Analgesiometer, Colorimeter, BOD incubator and others.
Machine Rooms
The college machine room has various machines used in the pharmaceutical industries at different stages of production, quality control and packing. Tablet punching machines, coating and polishing pans, bottle filling machines, and Q.C. instruments like friability tester, Disintegration and Dissolution test apparatus, all purpose equipment and others.